This yearly posting thing stops TUHDAY.
Hi! Welcome back to all those who have read my posts before, and to those who haven’t, stop here and go catch up like… now.
Did you catch up? No? Okay my friend, fine. I’ll answer the question that is burning in your mind right now. “What the heck is ‘When the Money’s Good,’ Tyler?!?” Glad you asked. I created WTMG two years ago after realizing that I was headed down the wrong path of money/wealth management. It was my way of being fully transparent with myself and hoping that my internet friends would keep me accountable. However, being the perfectionist that I am, I got nervous after a while and while I didn’t stop writing, I stopped posting. But, that allowed me to completely think through everything I wanted WTMG to be. Now, here we are ? and as we like to call it at work, today is ‘Go Live’ day. The moment I’ve been waiting for. I hope you are just as excited to be here as I am writing this post.
Here’s my update: I started budgeting, albeit not exactly how I imagined it would go, I started and that was a big step. It took a lot of time and effort for me to truly become intentional about how, where, and with whom I was spending my money. It’s one thing to create a budget, it’s another to follow that budget; especially when you have friends who always like to invite you to the next brunch, bar, club or you just like to go on trips – another story for another day lol. My circumstances have changed i.e. I moved and now have a roommate and might’ve added more debt to my plate, therefore, my budget has slightly adjusted as well. I FINALLY have a savings account that I cannot immediately take money from, a travel account, and I’ve worked to improve my credit score by 113 points, with help of course.
A lot of the goals I set for myself in 2015, I accomplished. Then I created new ones of which I will share in the coming weeks. Along with interviews, side stories, and a few other projects.
Well whats the extra stuff about? This blog isn’t just about money; its about the journey of life and the trials and tribulations we go through as young adults. The things that make us stronger and bolder; the things that helped me figure who I am and what I love about my life. If you’re expecting all pink, fluffy, flowers and teddy bears all the time, I’m sorry, but you won’t get that here. That is not life. You will however, be able to clearly define your own goals and maybe find new tricks to managing your own life and personal finances.